Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue is a bioactive substance that has been used for decades to treat many conditions, including malaria, Lyme’s disease, parasites, sepsis, MRSA, Alzheimer’s, and more. 

More recently, researchers have found that Methylene Blue enhances mitochondrial function while also diminishing the production of proteins linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia, which start accumulating years before symptoms manifest.

For anyone experiencing brain fog, memory impairment or cognitive issues, Methylene Blue can be administered as a stand-alone drip or combined with another package.

Methylene Blue has shown promise to delay cellular aging and to enhance key mitochondrial biochemical pathways.  At Kona Integrative Health, we have effectively used it as a Nootropic: improving brain function and memory retention.

Treatment & Benefits

Cognitive enhancement

Deactivate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens

Increases energy production

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

Natural anti-depressant

Boosts mitochondrial function

Methylene Blue IV FAQS